Project Description

About this Project

This project consisted of complete refurbishment of the console and relay system for the 4 manual Schantz organ in Moore Chapel at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church (Atlanta, Georgia).

Stop List

GREAT 1. Violone 16′
Unenclosed 2. Principal 8′
Manual II 3. Bordun 8′
4. Violone 8′
5. Octave 4′
6. Hohlflöte 4′
7. Fifteenth 2′
8. Cornet III 2 2/3′
9. Mixture V 1 1/3′
10. Trompette 8′
11. Tuba (Ch) 8′
12. Trompette En Chamade 8′
13. Chimes
14. Great to Great 16′
15. Great Unison Off
16. Great to Great 4′
SWELL 1. Rohrflöte 16′
Expressive 2. Principal 8′
Manual III 3. Viola Pomposa 8′
4. Viola Celeste 8′
5. Rohrflöte 8′
6. Principal 4′
7. Harmonic Flute 4′
8. Octave 2′
9. Blockflöte 2′
10. Mixture IV 1 1/3′
11. Basson Hautbois 16′
12. Trompette 8′
13. Hautbois 8′
14. Vox Humana 8′
15. Clarion 4′
16. Trompette En Chamade 8′
17. Tremulant
18. Swell to Swell 16′
19. Swell Unison Off
20. Swell to Swell 4′


CHOIR 1. Gedackt 8′
Expressive 2. Flauto Dolce 8′
Manual I 3. Flauto Dolce Celeste 8′
4. Principal 4′
5. Spillflöte 4′
6. Nasat 2 2/3′
7. Octave 2′
8. Terz 1 3/5′
9. Mixture III 1′
10. English Horn 16′
11. English Horn 8′
12. Krummhorn 8′
13. Schalmey 4′
14. Tuba 8′
15. Trompette En Chamade 16′
16. Trompette En Chamade 8′
17. Trompette En Chamade 4′
18. Tremulant
19. Choir to Choir 16′
20. Choir Unison Off
21. Choir to Choir 4′
POSITIV 1. Violone (Gt) 8′
Unenclosed 2. Holzflöte 8′
Manual IV 3. Octave 4′
4. Koppelflöte 4′
5. Super Octave 2′
6. Waldflöte 2′
7. Quinte 1 1/3′
8. Sesquialtera II 2 2/3′
9. Scharff IV 1′
10. Dulcian 16′
11. Dulcian 8′
12. English Horn (Ch) 8′
13. Trompette En Chamade 8′
14. Tuba (Ch) 8′
15. Zimbelstern
16. Tremulant
17. Positiv Unison Off
PEDAL 1. Resultant 32′
Unenclosed 2. Principal 16′
3. Brummbass 16′
4. Violone (Gt) 16′
5. Rohrflöte (Sw) 16′
6. Octave 8′
7. Bordun 8′
8. Violone (Gt) 8′
9. Rohrflöte (Sw) 8′
10. Choral Bass 4′
11. Flöte 4′
12. Octavin 2′
13. Mixture II 2 2/3′
14. Mixture IV 2′
15. Kontra Posaune 32′
16. Posaune 16′
17. Basson Hautbois (Sw) 16′
18. English Horn (Ch) 16′
19. Dulcian (Pos) 16′
20. Trompete 8′
21. Hautbois (Sw) 8′
22. Klarine 4′
23. Hautbois (Sw) 4′
24. Schalmey (Ch) 4′
25. Trompette En Chamade 8′
26. Tuba (Ch) 8′


COUPLERS 1. Great to Pedal 8′
2. Swell to Pedal 8′
3. Swell to Pedal 4′
4. Choir to Pedal 8′
5. Choir to Pedal 4′
6. Positiv to Pedal 8′
7. Swell to Great 16′
8. Swell to Great 8′
9. Swell to Great 4′
10. Choir to Great 16′
11. Choir to Great 8′
12. Choir to Great 4′
13. Positiv to Great 16′
14. Positiv to Great 8′
Status Screen
15. Swell to Choir 16′
16. Swell to Choir 8′
17. Swell to Choir 4′
18. Positiv to Choir 16′
19. Positiv to Choir 8′
20. Positiv to Choir 4′
21. Great to Positiv 8′
22. Swell to Positiv 8′
23. Choir to Positiv 8′
24. Nave Shades Off
25. Great/Choir Transfer