Project Description

Stop List

GREAT 1. Bourdon 16′
Unenclosed 2. Principal 8′
Manual I 3. Bourdon (Gallery) 8′
4. Gedeckt 8′
5. Octave 4′
6. Prestant (Gallery) 4′
7. Koppelflute (Gallery) 4′
8. Fifteenth (Gallery) 2′
9. Waldflute 2′
10. Sesquialter II tc
11. Mixture III-IV 1 1/3′
12. Mixture III (Gallery) 1 1/3′
13. Trumpet (Gallery) 8′
14. Swell to Great 8′
SWELL 1. Rohrflute 8′
Expressive 2. Viola (Gallery) 8′
Manual II 3. Gemshorn 8′
4. Unda Maris II (Gallery) 8′
5. Geigen Octave 4′
6. Hohlflute 4′
7. Nachthorn (Gallery) 4′
8. Principal 2′
9. Blockflute (Gallery) 2′
10. Nasat 1 1/3′
11. Zimbel III 1′
12. Trompette 8′
13. Trumpet (Gallery) 8′
14. Tremulant


PEDAL 1. Bourdon (Great) 16′
Unenclosed 2. Lieblich Gedect (Gallery) 16′
3. Octave 8′
4. Gedeckt (Great) 8′
5. Flute (Gallery) 8′
6. Gemshorn (Gallery) 8′
7. Choral Bass 4′
8. Gemshorn (Gallery) 4′
9. Waldflute (Great) 2′
10. Fagott 16′
11. Contra Trumpet (Gallery) 16′
12. Clarion 4′
13. Great to Pedal 8′
14. Swell to Pedal 8′